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Thursday 26 June 2014


Here are a few reasons why people feel the need to cheat on their partners.
Desire for more than what you already have is also a reason though not a significant one. Some people just want to have more physical intimacy. It’s not a common reason probably because it’s not exactly a decent one to describe, but for some people it’s true. They feel the urge to have physical relations with more people.
Lack of Sexual Satisfaction is the main reason for most individuals. Both the males and the females having extramarital affairs want some improvement in their sex lives. They do enjoy their partners’ company and have fun doing certain activities together but their primal need for sex has not been fulfilled.
Lack of Emotional Satisfaction is almost as strong a reason as the need for physical intimacy. Often individuals stop trying to understand each other’s emotions and in their ignorance tend to hurt their partner. This lack of emotional satisfaction makes the individuals to look for other people who can satisfy their need.

 Falling in love with someone or falling out of love with the primary partner is also a reason. These are two sides of the same coin. It’s not easy to define love but sexual intimacy and emotional care are definite things. Some people claim that they have madly fell in love with the person they were having an affair. So it can be assumed that both sexual and emotional satisfaction leads to a stronger bond.
Reason# Need for appreciation is not only a factor in women but also in men. Where individuals stop appreciating their partners’ efforts for them, the person who is neglected tends to seek appreciation from others and sleeping with someone apparently feels like the peak of appreciation. Partners should appreciate each other for their efforts to maintain a healthy relationship. A few complements on a lady’s attire or a man’s struggle at work don’t go unnoticed.
Revenge is the worst possible reason for cheating on your partner, though not a common one. When a person finds out his/her partner’s unthinkable mistake whether it was infidelity or losing a lot of much needed money in a casino, there originates a desire to hurt that person in the worst way, and there are not many things you can think of than sleeping with another person.
Curiosity is a reason for some people. They want to experience something new and different than what they already have. Some people just take it as a way to measure their skills in bed. Their curiosity leads them to infidelity.
So, the need to cheat on your spouse or partner arises from amalgamation of sexual desire, heartache andthe need for emotional contact. It’s rare to have an affair without any one of these reasons. Such affairs may bring an end to your relationship and trouble you for the rest of your life, so think twice before you take a harsh step.

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